#681 I'm more than just a picture..

As Hailee Seinfeld says. I can swear, I can joke, I say what's on my mind, If I drink, I keep up with the guys. You see me holding up my middle finger to the world. I don't wear ribbons and pearls.  I'm a daughter and a sister, Sometimes it's hard for me to show, There's more to me than people know.  I'm a dreamer, but "I'm not just a pretty girl"..  

I am different in that I appreciate what life has to give me.. Every day, I look for the beauty in life, and yes everday. I smell the breakfast smells coming from our neighbour, I smell the freshly cut grass or the rain that is approaching. I notice life around me everyday.

For example - Have you ever looked up in the sky to see a “V" soaring above your head? No, not a flying alphabet â€” a flock of birds in formation! Do you just watch them fly by and wonder.. (where are they going, look how many there are...)

These birds are called “migratory birds." The reasons birds migrate vary but typically involve availability of food or weatherIn the northern hemisphere, many birds migrate south during the winter months when the weather becomes too cold for them to survive in their northern habitats. Once spring arrives, the birds return to their homes. 
Equally as varied as the reasons for migrating are the ways in which different migratory birds make their journey. Some birds migrate alone, others travel in pairs, and many move in large flocks. 

Song birds often migrate in swarms, while larger birds, such as geese, migrate in formation. Many times this migration takes the form of the letter V. The reason these birds prefer to fly in a V shape has puzzled even scientists for many years. There are two general theories to explain the V-shaped movement. The most accepted theory is that the formation of a flock influences aerodynamics, making it easier for the birds to fly. As the birds flap their wings, the air flowing off their wing tips gives birds in the back of the V an extra lift. This reduces the amount of energy the birds need to fly.. These are the moments in my life i cherish the most.. cause I'm not just a pretty girl..".

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