I went to the vet last week for my beloved Georgia who is a tabby female of 16 years.
Georgia a fit energetic and beautiful spoilt rotten cat and sadly she is ageing like all of us are.
The reason for the vet checkup is that she had two operations quite some time ago on her knees. Cost me a fortune but when the choice was the other if you know what I mean... how could I say no when her injury was only a broken knee. Georgia had jumped off a timber racking underneath the house and had broken her knee and then did it six months later, which I was aware could happen so say the vet. Again cost me a bomb to get her other knee fixed, right on Christmas as well.
Anyhow, time for her checkup as she has been shaking her legs and I was worried she was in pain. Georgia does have arthritis now with her knees no matter what I do for her. My biggest concern for her was "Is she in pain?" I was seriously in an emotional mess about knowing the right decision in this case was to go with the green needle.
Whilst I was waiting at the vet, tears in eyes, ready for the decision to make. This woman came in and said she had adopted some beautiful puppies as they were abandoned. That she needs to now get rid of them as they are causing her allergies. I felt sorry immediately for the puppies, rolled my eyes thinking you idiot!! and the look of disgust on my face towards the woman I found it hard to hide. The vet must have seen my shocked look and just smiled at me.
After a little while, I was called into the vet for the dreaded decision I thought I had to make and the vet politely said to me would you like a puppy? I said I would love to take them all, as I don't have allergies. He just winked and said I wish more people were like you and understood that taking care of a pet is a lifetime. They are with you for a very long part of your life. Whilst I would love to take the puppies we really don't have a fence, so politely declined.
My cat Georgia survived the green needle, but I was told that whilst her knees are deteriorating, she is not in pain and yes she is in her senior years. He called her a cutie and was happy that she can be with me longer. The vet did tell me however that she has early onset Kidney disease which a lot of cats do get, so time for a different diet and more of my full love and attention.
For anyone that is thinking of adopting an animal, remember they are with you for up to 20+ years. Don't take them on just because they are cute. They are expensive and do take up your time. If you want a bundle of fun for a day, go ahead and adopt for a day, don't purchase especially if you have allergies.
Showcasing the gorgeous new works of some of our designers, I bring to you our destinations for today: -
Destinations: - FaMESHed, Collabor88, On9, Kustom 9, Gacha Garden Event
{Reverie} 'Autumn Heat' - Maitreya - (New) @ FaMESHed
Tableau Vivant \\ Glenn - Blonds - (New) @ Collabor88
(Kunglers) Gaby earrings - Lavender - (New) @ On9
The Secret Store - Sage Lacey Jacket - Charcoal - (New) InStore
Glam Affair - Barbara Applier ( Catwa ) America 03 (RARE) - (New) @ Kustom 9
GIGI - Balloon basket (RARE) - (New) @ GACHA GARDEN EVENT
JIAN PeeWee Puffs :: Blankey Puffs (RARE) - (New) @ GACHA GARDEN EVENT
Pose: - Bauhaus Movement - Faye
My gorgeous Georgia below.. Wanted to share :)