She’s mighty. The fierce warrior. She smiles at challenges and laughs at danger. People that know her respect her, admire her, some may even fear her but they all have one thing in common. They look at her in awe. This is what I call a strong woman. This lady has her shit together in more ways than you can count and she never ceases to amaze you. One thing will remain true time and time again. She will never apologize for being who she is. Here are 5 reasons why you should never expect an apology from a strong woman.
1. She’ll love you with all she has. When she loves you, she does it with every ounce of her heart. Unconditionally and sincerely. And if you abuse it or break her heart, you’re done and she has no qualms about shutting the door on you. See ya.
2. She’s got balls. Oh yes, she certainly does. She isn’t afraid to say or do something if it’s something she truly believes in. She will be the first to get in and save or help someone from harm or abuse and then laugh it off the next day like it was nothing, because to her, it was nothing. Just another day.
3. It’s called confidence, not cockiness. She’s uber confident and she knows it. Not in an egotistical sort of way either. She knows that she can do anything she sets her mind to and she will get it done. She’s also not afraid to step out of her comfort zone either and try new things.
4. She loves adventure. Adventure to her is a challenge that just makes her stronger. She’ll ask you to join her but if you can’t then she’ll go alone and she has no fear of doing that either. She’s on a mission to seek out adventure, with or without you. If you go, it’ll just add to the fun.
5. The softer side of her. Yes she’s tough as nails and scares even the biggest and bravest of men. She’s also got a bit of a soft side to let you know that she is, in fact, a woman. If she trusts you enough, she’ll let you by her side. But trust is key here. She must have trust to show you that.
Strong women can be very intimidating to most. The weak are usually scared of the strong but their fears come from a place of feeling inferior. No one should feel like this and anyone can be a strong woman, or a strong man. Believe in yourself, your values, set boundaries and kick ass. This is about you being true to yourself and never apologise for who you are!!
Showcasing the amazing new works from some exceptional designers available at the awesome Crossroads Event on now.
So what are you waiting for, come take a walk to our destination for today: -
Destination: - The Crossroads Event
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