How many
photos of you are on your phone right now?
How many of you have your phone beside you right now? These days, humans
take almost 1 trillion photos a year. (To put that into context, that’s more photos
every few minutes than in the entire 19th century.)
Lots of these photos are selfies—self-portraits, usually taken with a
As of this
writing, nearly 300 million Instagram photos had been tagged with the selfie
label. Personally
I hate taking photos of myself, and avoid being in front of the camera at all.
I prefer to take the pics let alone be there smiling for all to see and post on
Facebook – totally avoid!! :D
What does “selfie culture” say about the world we’re living in now?
I was catching the
train the other day and glanced over at another train beside me.
There was not one
person on that carriage that didn’t have their phone in their face. No one was
reading a book, No one was chatting and it wasn’t a quiet carriage, there were
literally 50-60 people with their heads down glancing at their phone. I don’t know about
you but that scares me for the future? Have we forgotten all together to talk,
or dream, or be creative, or even think about the future and daydream?
Although I hate
selfies, but other people seem to do it well, I have found this awesome new app
from RayBan that takes selfie marketing to new heights with its own iPhone app,
Reflections. It might be a bit pathetic but for the people like me that hate the full photo the background might be a good idea. This app allows users to enable both their front and back iPhone cameras at the
same time to create an artsy, double-exposed image. Will see if I change my mind about selfies
with this app but for now will let Mischa do all the modelling for me.
For now though, before you grab your phone, head on over to our destinations for today: -
Destinations: - Shiny Shabby and Collabor88
fame femme: Kami Fur Vest - Black - Maitreya - (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Glam Affair - Glenny Applier ( Catwa / Anniei ) America - (New) @ Collabor88
Pose: By Bauhaus Movement - (New)