The year is wrapping up. Can you believe
it? I’m still in a state of disbelief. As usual for this time of year, I have
been thinking a lot about the New Year, what I want it to look like and how I
want it to feel like emotionally. But, this year I want my resolutions to be
different in a major way.
I’m not very good at setting goals. I
can’t get a grasp on what’s realistic and what’s not, so I usually skip the
whole process altogether to avoid letting myself down.
But there’s something in the air for 2017,
and it feels good, so I decided to set some goals for this year and share them
with you because seriously if I could skip the whole of 2016 I would.
No doubt, I’d like to skip out my front
door each day, whistling a happy tune, down a path sprinkled with gold fairy
dust. I’d really like that but we all know that isn’t real, so here are my
three goals for 2017.
They may or may not be relevant to you,
but they’re things I’ve been needing to change for a while, and hopefully they
give you a bit of motivation. It’s onwards and upwards from here!
If something is bothering me or hanging
over my head, I’m going to deal with it straight away. This year is all about
getting it done and moving on, even when someone has peeved me off, don't hesitate just tell them.
I’m the annoying dinner date that just
actually can’t decide whether I want a Pinot Gris, Pisco Sour or Classic
Margarita. This year I’m putting a limit on the time I allow myself to make
decisions, and I’m going to be confident in my choices.
Yes, this may be the oddest sounding
resolution you’ve ever heard, but hear me out. As 2016 was a hard road for me
with the loss of my mother and close friend. I now know life is way too short
and you need to enjoy every day. To live life as play, explore your boundaries,
travel to places you have never been, and give love to as many people as you
can. Most of all smile.. even when life gets you down.
Showcasing the gorgeous new items available for you all right now. So what are you waiting for, come take a walk to: -
Destinations: - GizzA, Glam Affair and LeLutka
Coat and Dress combined: - GizzA - Cozy Layered Coat W Tartan [Blue] (New) @ GizzA
Head: - LeLutka Bento Head - SIMONE 2.0 (New) @ LeLutka
Skin: - Glam Affair - Emily ( LeLutka Applier ) America (New) @ Glam Affair also available at LeLutka
Hair: -*barberyumyum*85(blonde)