As it comes
closer to the end of the year, There is one trick that I have mastered and that
is to take deep breaths and lots and lots of deep breaths. Why? Well, I am
guessing I am not alone saying these things especially as it comes closer to
Christmas. First of all, how about those Christmas parking spaces or lack of,
the angry drivers, the frustrated people in the queues or should I state toe
tapping, arms crossed, fuming, impatient tourists. Apart from the above, there
is the erratic drivers, the P Platers that ride your backside and you keep
glaring at them in the rear vision mirror daring them to HIT you so you can scream at them "it will cost you!! you baboon" and well I needed my car fixed anyhow from that
trolley that wacked me last year.
My deep
breaths have been mastered due to trying to calm myself down and think good things, rather
than wishing I had telekinesis skills to fry that person that is peeving me
off. It’s easy to take breathing for granted—that is until you feel short of
it. Breathing is usually an unconscious, involuntary process. In moments of
high stress—giving a presentation, having a difficult conversation, getting
stuck in traffic when you’re late—you may notice your breath becomes shallow
and erratic, your pulse spikes, or you may even feel dizzy. These symptoms of
stress are part of a sympathetic nervous system response, also known as the
fight-or-flight response, designed to help us.
In other
words, inhaling and exhaling slowly and consciously may help reduce symptoms of
stress across populations not only over the long-term but right away. In
moments like missing an important phone call or getting into an argument with a
partner, we can learn to self-soothe by practising deep breathing. Breathing
usually happens naturally from birth, it makes sense that many of us were not
taught how to breathe properly and/or forget to do it properly.
For now
though as I am at work, trying to calm down from exploding from the sound of
Christmas carols in my ears, as I practice my breathing and patience which today comes from blogging and once I have finished I can then focus on the other parts of my life like shoving the microphone down the neck of the Christmas Carollers, so I can get my end of year report finished..:D
For now though, I bring to you destinations that must not be missed and these are: -
Destination: - The Crossroads Event, and FaMESHed
Outfit: - Lybra - Mandy Coral - The Crossroads Event
Necklace: - Glam Affair - Charms! @ FaMESHed
Skin: - Glam Affair - Barbara Applier ( Catwa ) Asia 03 (RARE)
Lashes: - Arte - Sweet Lashes [Catwa] @ Arte
Hair: - tram F1124 hair1 (New) In store
Stoile: -GizzA - Crystal Faux Fur Stole [Black - Stone]
Head: - CATWA HEAD AnnaGrey
Pose: - Ilaya Sophia Pose 4