#579 Time to head home...

In Elizabeth Gilbert’s ‘Eat Pray Love’, it speaks about going on a spiritual journey to exotic destinations such as Italy, India and Indonesia after enduring a challenging phase in her life. At the end of the journey, inner peace was found and all the displaced parts of herself were placed into one beautiful whole.  In saying the above, did you know our spiritual journey can also be found within Secondlife?

The human character is complex and cannot be fully understood from one point of reference that is offered by one cultural viewpoint. We have to go beyond what we’re familiar with and expose ourselves to new perspectives, embrace different opinions and unearth the subtle and concealed aspects of people’s personalities. Unfortunately though, within Second life, some people forget there are people behind the screen and can border on harassment of others, stalking, ridiculing, criticising and having expectations of others that is rude and belligerent. It is remembering that people within Second life come from different backgrounds, have different morals, beliefs, behaviors, different lives and different homes. We are not all the same. Each person is unique in their careers, abilities and phases in their lives. Never one of us is the same.

Within Second life, ’some’ unfortunately have a very narrow perspective of others which is a loose term called ethnocentrism, which is defined as “the tendency of other people to judge other cultures by the values and assumptions of their own culture”. Ethnocentrism is a deadly psychic disease, which can infiltrate the minds and hearts of individuals and cause them to behave in cruel and demeaning ways towards their fellow human beings.

Racial bias, discrimination, ethnic cleansing and cultural superiority are all by-products of this harsh philosophy. We see these behaviours in our media often. All of these behaviours can lead to serious world problems, such as corruption, crime and even war. There are countless times in history when we have seen this play out, like the reign of Hitler in Germany, the Apartheid era in South Africa, and the American Civil Rights Movement in the USA.

Second life gives us options to be who we want to be, and some of us are the same in world as we are outside of Second life. There are others that unfortunately show a different side. We need to remember to open ourselves up to other cultures, be not biased, ignorant or prejudiced. These internal blocks should be removed if we would like to be part of the solution for breeding cultural understanding. As Gandhi famously said, “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”

Showcasing for you, the gorgeous new Joanna Dress from GizzA, the lovely items from Fancy Décor, the beautiful new items from Zerkalo at Chapter Four, the gorgeous new pose from Bauhaus Movement and many other items listed below, I bring to your our destinations for today: -

Dress: - GizzA - Joanna Laced Dress [Brown Floral] Fitted Freya (New)
Portrait: - Fancy Decor: Gothic Portrait (New) @The Interview,
Chandelier: - Fancy Decor: Crystal Chandelier (New) @The Interview,
Chair: - Fancy Decor: Wire Chair (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Picture: - Fancy Decor: Get Shit Done (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Magazine Stack: -Fancy Decor: Magazine Stack 4 (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Boxes: - Fancy Decor: Clasp Boxes (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Shoes: - fri. day- Honey.Platforms (New) @ Collabor88
Sculpture: - HIDEKI - Steampunk Hand Sculpture RARE (New) @ The Chapter Four
Camera: - HIDEKI - Steampunk Camera Replica (New) @ The Chapter Four
Candle: - [ zerkalo ] Like a Bird - Bowl Candle Dark (New) @ The Chapter Four
Leather Bag: - ionic - Faux leather bag (New) @ The Chapter Four
Flowers: - [ keke ] spring flower 3 (New) @ The Chapter Four
Desk: - NOMAD // Botanical Lab Desk RARE
Cabinet: - NOMAD // Vintage Lab Cabinet
Plant: - NOMAD // Monstera Plant
Wire Board: - [ARIA] Raquel wire board with art
Hydrangea: - Ariskea[Isabelle] Hydrangea botle [White Rosey]
Mug and Books: - [ zerkalo ] Hidden Corner - Mug & Books
Stool: - [ zerkalo ] Old Stool - Dark
Rug: - Fancy Decor: Journey Rug
House: - Scarlet Creative - The Arcade Mar -16 Anastasia House

Pose: Bauhaus Movement - Manga Stream 13 (New) @The Liaison Collaborative