#575 So easy to get distracted in the mornings..

Ask yourself a simple question. How long can you sustain doing one thing, and one thing alone, before your attention is pulled away to something else? Perhaps it’s me, but everywhere I look people are distracted; and their attention is pulled in every conceivable direction.

The greatest enemy is the mobile phone and I am the worst culprit. It’s an addiction for me, but also the constant messages I receive, I must admit I ignore sometimes, just to take a break and then just pick up the phone to talk to that person, rather than message after message. It’s not just the mobile phone though. Try to have a conversation with someone – particularly those at a networking event – and you never quite feel you’ve got their full attention. In some cases, they’re downright rude, and are surreptitiously (or so they think!) scanning the room for the biggest fish that can make them feel more important.
Even among friends and family, I often feel a certain amount of internal chatter (theirs and mine) is clouding out the headspace conducive to empathic listening. It’s particularly noticeable when you don’t get to finish your sentence or they respond in a way that makes you feel they’re not really listening. In saying the above, I’m not aware of anyone sensing the opportunity for (radical) change, ie: for people to unplug from our internet-obsessed world and go off grid for a while. Why is it that people have such a short attention span? In simple terms, it comes down to wanting everything now – the perfect job, house, partner, best computer and… life.
If I think back to the way my grandparents lived their lives, the principal reason they weren’t drawn down the rabbit hole of doing so much and being constantly distracted was because they were patient, brought about by years of having to plan for, work hard, save money for those long term goals and material possessions. They knew that to get anything they had to work at things day after day.  I know this sounds awfully old fashioned but I’m not harking back to the good old days for any other than reason than to make the point that if we had to work towards something and work was itself meaningful we wouldn’t need, or so we think, to have so many things to keep us occupied.

The ‘now’ question is whether by living at a time of ever increasing change where we are constantly ‘on’ or ‘off’ to something new, we’re actually living happier lives? If anything by allowing ourselves to be constantly distracted we’re stretched so thin that there’s rarely enough time to talk properly to our family let alone spend quality time on the things we most enjoy. Imagine that you got rid of your mobile phone for a week, turned off your email and unplugged from the web. Just taking those simple steps would make a massive difference to your life. I suspect for many they would be scared not just about what they might be missing but with all the free time, ie What to do?
Too often we fill up our time without: (a) any clear sense of where we’re headed; (b) if we’re doing the most important thing as opposed the most urgent; and (c) if by doing one thing, we’re merely putting off something else. If quality of life is important to us then killing all technology distractions should be our #1 priority just for a bit to remember we have an awesome country and life is too short not to put it bluntly, as “Ferris Bueller says, ‘Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”..

For more information about what I am wearing and the awesome designer items on show, come take a walk to our destinations for today: -
Destination: - Purple Moon, Little Bones, Zerkalo and  Shiny Shabby

Vintage Study Bin: - Zerkalo Vintage Study Bin (dark) @ Zerkalo
Jacket: -Iridescent Jacket – Black @ Purple Moon
Earrings: Kunglers Earrings - Margarita - Pearl @  Shiny Shabby
Corset: -Zephyr Grey - Dead Dollz
Hair: - Little Bones, - Lo, (tucked) – Blonde @ Little Bones
Head: - LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA v1.3
Skin: - Helena Applier – Glam Affair

Destination: Taken at Baby's Ear