According to the fashion experts, this spring for you guys, will be a bit of an anomaly. Usually, the hot colors for men and women are similar in tone. Sure, the top choice color in menswear and ladies’ attire may vary, but generally the two fashion lines are on the same page of the pantone book.
Fashion gurus are simultaneously stumped and excited about how different the men’s color palette is from the ladies’ this spring. While the color that tops the charts for the women is a bright and bold Marsala red, (hmm, not sure if I am a fan of red), the color topping the must-have list for men is quite the opposite. It is called 'Dusk Blue'.
raised, I now have a picture of a blurry brown and bluish color. So how do I describe
dusk blue? I’d say it’s what you get when you combine navy with some mid tone
of gray. It’s not as bright as a true sky blue, although it sure does mimic the
shade of the winter, like a dull greyish blue. Like the sky in some of my US
and UK friends places at the moment?
Dusk Blue
is not too bright or too dull. Just a
happy medium between vibrant and muted that gives it a bold confidence without
screaming “look at me!”
digital editors we can’t turn water into wine and we can’t turn copper into
gold, if we could we probably wouldn’t be photo shopping pictures we would be
sipping rums on a beach in Hawaii ! So we’re not traditional alchemists….But using
a little bit of magic and some Adobe Photoshop, well mainly Photoshop and a lot
of coffee, I am sure that we will be seeing a lot more dusk blue on our male
folk this spring, and hopefully some designers will create it for women as
well, as I know myself I will wear Dusk Blue, but will pass on the marsala red.
Below is a snapshot of the color palette for Dusk blue ...coming
your way soon in Second life.
the gorgeous new Jersey and shorts from Sys called ‘Caline’ and the so cute
gacha broach from Chic Chica, with the beautiful new skin from Glam Affair
called ‘Estelle’ in Asia, all of these can be found at our destination for
So what
are you waiting for, come take a walk to: -
Destination: - Shiny Shabby
Short: - Sys Design Caline Short - (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Jersey: - Sys Design Caline Jersey – Black Grey
- (New) @ Shiny ShabbyHair: - Entwined Hair – (Emma) in Blonde @ Shiny Shabby
Broach: - Chic Chica Broach Gacha in Silver (Boquettte)- (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Skin: - Glam Affair – Asia – (Estelle) - (New) @ Shiny Shabby