#397 Admist the cobwebs of my mind with GizzA Creations and Bazar

Every time I'm falling down
All alone I fall to pieces
I keep a journal of memories
I'm feeling lonely, I can't breathe
I fall to pieces, I'm falling
Fell to pieces and I'm still falling

Destination for today: - GizzA Creations

Outfit: - Gizza Brooke Draped Vest - Gizza Creations (New)
Pants: - Gizza Jolie Pants - Gizza Creations (New)
Skin: - Glam Affair - Sia Skin 

Hair: - Myst Hair - Tableau Vivant 

Diary: - Bazar Travelle Diary (New)
Book Stack: - Bazar Travelle Book stack (New)

Pose: -  Bauhaus Movement - Ballerina 10