Women hate it. Men everywhere are baffled by it. You’ve probably lived it…
It’s that moment when you stand in front of your closet and say, “I have nothing to wear!
The one thing that you can count on though is accessories.
”Jackal Ennu is one of the creative forces behind jewellery and accessories label 'Lassitude & Ennui'. Every piece of her design is hand crafted with meticulous style and above all time.
Jackal Ennu’s love affair with jewellery began when she answered her calling by realising that she didn't have enough Secondlife clothes, and what we all need with our clothes are accessories. When you know which clothes best honor your natural beauty—then you will never stand in front of your closet saying you have nothing to wear. My closet is filled with clothes and accessories that I love. Your closet can be, too!
Destination - L'accessoires
Dress - e! Tulip Dress from E! Eclectic ( $50L at Free*Style)
Dress - e! Tulip Dress from E! Eclectic ( $50L at Free*Style)
Skin - Amacci - Rayna (Olive) (New from Skin Fair 2013)
Eyes - Amacci Look Eyes - Sage - Big (New from Skin Fair 2013)
Eyes - Amacci Look Eyes - Sage - Big (New from Skin Fair 2013)
Eyelashes - DiamondDust *REDGRAVE
Hair - ::Exile:: Stay the Night:Marone
Accessory 1 - Lassitude & Ennui - Viola lace collar antique (New) at L'accessoires