#987 Colour vs Black and White - An Augmented Reality...

I was caught being a rock and a hard place the other day, I don’t know if you know that expression. Most definitely an Aussie expression. To explain: -  I was unsure whether to post this as black and white or the original colour. I thought to myself what am I achieving with this picture.

I wanted to present an augmented reality. I find that Black and White photography can be a step away from reality.  The more steps you move away from reality, the closer you will get to the essence of the picture. There was another, deeper and intuitively reason for moving away from reality: every step away from reality adds something substantial to the aesthetics in a work of art. Simply put: I find Black and White becomes more beautiful.

I find as well that black and white photography has more visual depth. Black and white photography is an interpretation. In other words, in differences of lights, also known as light contrast. This means that using one color, the color gray, the differences between luminance values become clearly visible in a way that is almost impossible in color.

So I decided to go with black and white..my augmented reality for today.

Showcasing the amazing new works available now from some awesome designers.

So what are you waiting for, come take a walk to our destinations for today:-


Destinations:- Uber; The Arcade

Amitie Autumn Hanging Chair – (New) @ Uber

S&P Irina overall & shorts black – (New) @ Uber

RIOT / Angela Lace Tops - Holo4 – (New) @ Uber

Ana Poses - Rubin 1 Face Stripe – (New) @ The Arcade

DOUX - Coven (without hat) Hairstyle [L/Boobs]

Aurealis. Techno Glasses.

KUNGLERS - Ella bracelets - L