There are so many people that I am aware of that talk about heightened anxiety, and that have depression. COVID is unfortunately making for some this much worse. Some of these people I hear take drugs to dull this pain. Unfortunately depression's victims stories of entrapment are comparable to taking just “one more hit” of a dangerous drug that they know is harmful. The downward-spiraled, self-destructive doses I've been told can be strangely intoxicating. When the person finally realises that the drug has them in its claws, they begin to think, “It’s too late for me, my fate is sealed, I will never escape.” For like an eagle on a hunt to catch its prey, depression swoops in, hooks you in, and suspends you within its dramatics like a horrible reality television show..
That light you see far off in the distance.. at the end of that tunnel is no illusion, but the tunnel you believe you are stuck in.. can be escaped.
To escape: You need to firstly, talk to someone,
1) Stop focusing on what you can’t control or whatever is making you feel helpless.
2) Stop focusing on whatever it is you don’t have right now (money, love, career etc.) that triggers feelings of inadequacy.
3) Stop focusing on the past, particularly painful, emotionally-charged memories.
Showcasing the amazing new works available now from some awesome designers:-
Destinations: Ana Poses, The Epiphany; Kustom 9; Access
Ana Poses - Fence All - (New) @ The Epiphany
Monso - Lalisa Hair-Brown/Blonde - (New) @ Kustom 9
BONDI . The Aviator Glasses - (New) @ FaMESHed
Bauhaus - Brooke Top - (New) @ Access
Bauhaus - Brooke Shorts - (New) @ Access
Premium Indistinct Tattoo - (New) @ Access
. MILA . Rosalie Skin [Honey] GENUS