I’ve dedicated lots of words to my Mum, her little legacies
run through this blog. I found my voice as she lost hers to Alzheimer’s three years ago and then passed in May
of this year. My mother loved music like I do as well, and I can see her bopping away to the best
musicians that also have left this earth, the likes of Bowie, and of late
dancing with Debbie Reynold’s. Blogging about losing her was the way I found my
way, and into a new life writing and creating pictures that I love.
It may sound weird but I celebrated my mother’s birthday
yesterday – December 28th and went to visit her at the crematorium and placed
some beautiful blue orchids on her plaque. Whilst I am sure my visits will
become less frequent, I have made a promise to visit on each birthday and
then on May 31st the day she passed until such time I am unable to visit her myself.
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