#556 Birds of Rosewood Isle..

With thanks to Britain Kennedy for allowing once again for people to come by her amazing sim called Rosewood Isle.  I alerted my good friend Alles Klaar on Second life, and yelled Hey we should take a photo here!!.

Whilst Alles was weaving up her magic and for what seems like ages in pose mode, (joking Alles!!), I was searching across the gorgeous lands of Rosewood Isle to take that magical photo and came across the ‘Birds of Rosewood’

The soulful way that Britain Kennedy and Nic Bour have created this sim, seems to transform beauty and nature together and the feelings you get when you arrive is of pure harmony.

The intricate details, such as these birds you can imagine the sounds as you walk along the walkway making your way to another magical part of this land.  Whilst Alles was moving me around little cm’s by cm’s (see pic below), each part I turned and looked at was just pure bliss.

If I had to describe Rosewood Isle in a small short story, below is a snippet of what I imagined as I was being transformed under Alles lens.

“You know you're dreaming. You've gotten good at it too. Self-awareness is hard for some people when they're awake, but in your own mind it's something else altogether. So what do you want to do? You want to fly, fall; you want to find a world that transforms your imagination?  So okay, you imagine a door, an earthy wooden oak, nice finish, door, bit Lord of the Rings style, Aren't you getting excited? I can tell, you're all red and glowing, it's nice to see.  Your hand grasps the door knob now. You twist, and pull and push it open and leave it open behind you dazzled by the beauty in front of you.

Door ajar and a bright all-encompassing light blinds you for a couple of seconds before your eyes adjust, revealing a flowing lake, surrounded by a lush, magical land.. It's around the time of dusk, birds sounding in the distance, gazelles grazing in the fields of white and the lake is illuminated in beauty as it slowly swirls around under the walkways beneath you. The sky is an earthy tone, mist hovering above, occupying just enough sky for it to take the breath away from your soul.  You emerge from your door, walk down the walkway and glance at the fishes glistening under the water. You hear music and laughter. People are in formal attire, laughing and seem to be celebrating.  “It is a wedding”. You don’t want to disturb as you admire their beauty and the table setting they are sitting at which seems to float magically before you.

You see a row boat, you climb in, and push out your little boat to the middle of the lake, and lay back. The birds just look on and don't flinch as your little boat passes by, but why would they? They're naïve and very trusting creatures.  Slight ripples die down as the boat slows, and floats in place. You look up to the brilliant night sky, and begin to close your eyes, in pure, meditative bliss”

Showcasing the gorgeous new lace halter from Eyelure amongst the beauty of Rosewood which sadly is only available for weddings now, I wanted to share with you the beauty of this destination for you.

So what are you waiting for come take a walk to our other destination for today: -

Destination: - Rosewood Isle, and Eyelure

Lace Halter: - Eyelure Lace Halter – White (New) @ Eyelure

Tutu: – Gizza Urban Princess (White) tutu @ Gizza

Hair: - Tableau Vivant – Twist Hair (Blonde)

Choker: - Bauhaus Movement – Natasha Choker
Pose: - By Alles