- Abyss
- Stockholm and Lima
- JD Copenhagen
- Johadez Furniture
- Seven Emporium
- NotsoBad
- Junk
- Redgrave
- The Loft
- Cheeky Pea
- Mudhoney, just to name a few..
Items are at an exclusive price discounted only during the event, with a huge 30-50% off!
Consensual run's through until Sunday (Closing Oct 5th 12PM SLT) - last day.
Wearing the beautiful and flowing new dress from GizzA Creations called the GizzA Nicola Gown, don't miss out on purchasing some unique new items that can be found at our destinations for today: -
Destination: - Consensual and GizzA Creations
Skin: - Glam Affair - America
Outfit: - GizzA - Nicola Gown (New from GizzA Creations)
Lounge: - The Loft - Asmodeus Chaise Black [Adlt-Cns] (New from Consensual)
Rug: - JD - Copenhagen Rug Black (New from Consensual)
Pictures: - JD - Copenhagen Wood Panel/s (New from Consensual)
Table: - Oyasumi / Japanese table
Lamp: - JD - Copenhagen Floor Lamp Light (New from Consensual)
Hanging Light: - Toronto-Living room chandelier
Clock: - AF Rico's Clock
Flowers: - Apple Fall Wild Thistles
Sideboard: - AF His Sideboard RARE
Tea Cup/Berries: - AF Teacup Rose/AF Blueberries
Hair: - ~Tableau Vivant~ Writer Hair - Braid - Light Browns
House: - Toronto House (New)
Pose: - Bauhaus Movement - Gill