#353 Keymaster, are you the Gatekeeper? with Legal Insanity, Tableau Vivant and Coco

I was reading the other day, the following article and thought I would share with you.
Leaving aside for a minute that the one time I got really drunk and can't remember what happened, I do remember this article. It started to make me become terrified of my computer keyboard. Why? Because the simplest facts of our lives are colored by all sorts of old and arbitrary decisions—the original reasons for which have mostly been forgotten along the way.

For eg: For instance, Are doorknobs on the right or the left?  Why are computers square? Who made chihuahuas look like that and, seriously, why? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY KEYBOARD?! 
I know what you are thinking. I'm still drunk, but no. Bare with me.

Take a look at your keyboard.  It is called a QWERTY keyboard because the first six letters in the upper left hand corner are Q W E R T and Y. It was designed to help people avoid frequently typing two letters that are next to each other, which back in the days would jam the machines. What you don’t know is the word “Typewriter” was a brand name. In order to help salesmen type it back when they were first invented, the folks who made the original QWERTY keyboard put all the letters in “typewriter” in the top row.  I bet you now go ahead and take a look. 

I know I did when reading this article.  LOL, yes you looked!!
Just thought I would share. The things you can never unknow, so yes now you are also the gatekeeper :)

Wearing the quirky new dress from Legal Insanity from the Black Fashion Fair, and the beautiful new designs from Tableau Vivant from Collabor88, I bring to you the two new destinations for today,

Destination: Collabor88 and Black Fashion Fair

Doll Head and Body:*COCO*Doll Body and group gift doll head - Anna

Dress:Legal Insanity - Cirichic dress piano (New) from Black Fashion Fair

Hair: - ~Tableau Vivant~ Legend Hair - Persephone (New) at Collabor88
Necklace and Bangle: - Legal Insanity - Octopus Choker & Bangles brown (New)

Pose: - Infinti - Better to see you with 5M
Scene from Virtual Decay