#717 To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold..

There are some priceless insightful gems that a snowflake would offer us, if we were to listen closely. Maybe if we all slowed down and embraced the restful energy of winter, we could be more like snowflakes. 

If snowflakes had a voice, they would tell us we all need to slow down on occasionsThere is much to see that the physical eyes often miss when they’re looking with haste into the future, or searching for lost treasures in the past. Pause for this moment, and enjoy being alive. Seek to perceive more and live in this experience. 

Pay attention to what is happening, and feel the stillness underneath everything which is changeless. Come to appreciate the little things like they were the big things. 
Enjoy the ride - You are not a human being living in eternity, so discover your innermost power to enjoy what you’re doing and to discover how you can love as much as possible. 

This moment is both fleeting, like a falling snowflake, and a continuation of eternity, like the process of making snowflakes. You’re granted this lifetime, and the journey of descent is meant to be enjoyed, because it has been gifted to you. 

Showcasing the amazing new works available right now from Scarlet Creative. This stunning design perfect for winter, comes in two different sizes, a realistic size home and larger size, with gorgeous beautiful snow roofs to match, (more pics) coming soon. 

So, what are you waiting for, come take a walk to our destinations for today: -  

Destinations: Scarlet Creative ; Collabor88

Scarlet Creative Sylvia House Set - (New) @ Collabor88