#1071 Enjoy the little things....


I’ve learnt over the years that in SL it can be full of drama, and I've been lucky to stay away from it all except for on two occasions. Whilst you would think after 10 years, I need to accept people are different but I still struggle when people have no manners and are rude.

It seems to be difficult for me to fathom that without any warning I get banned from a place because I hadn’t mentioned them in my blog. There was no notice to say I couldn’t do what I did!!

Not once did I hear from that individual directly, except for a message left on Flickr against my picture where they advised I had used most of their items in the picture- in which yes I used some but not all. Completely different to what they had originally set up themselves.

I added a few items of my own and made it look pretty that was all. Is there anything wrong with that?  

I added my picture to their flickr group page and the next thing when I log on I’ve been banned – without any note, any discussions!! Very disappointing that without any chat to this individual they ban me, and then put a post themselves on flickr. To this invididual - This was my first visit and this is how you treat people?  Please understand I never did this to upset you, I did what you wanted me to do and followed your guidance. I'm actually a really nice person to have a chat with, not an ogre at all. To state honestly, I am embarrassed at the ban, angry, disappointed and most of all very confused. However it shows the type of character you are that you do not wish to have a civil conversation and get to know someone.

We all need to remember to enjoy the little things – don’t take life so seriously, remember to talk to people and most of all have fun!


Showcasing the amazing new works available now from some awesome designers.


So what are you waiting for, come take a walk to our destinations for today:-


Destinations: FaMESHed; Salem Event; Neo Japan


dust bunny . maple market bouquet . décor - (New) @ FaMESHed

Dahlia & KraftWork . Jora Collection Pumpkin Center Piece - (New) @ FaMESHed

-Garden- by anc ginkgo leaves / fly 1Li (yellow)  - (New) @ Salem Event

-Garden- by anc "sakari" spider lily / low Li 3Li (white) - (New) @ Neo Japan

Foxwood - Hedgehoggie - Stand

Nutmeg. Delicate Glamor Books Exclusive

Nutmeg. Wintertide Throw

Nutmeg. Snug Daydream Chaise Adult

Nutmeg. Wintertide Decor / 1

dust bunny . autumns calling . pumpkin centerpiece

[ keke ] tea tin – vitality - <3

[ keke ] secret garden flower - glitter 2 - <3

AF Heart (Enjoy the Little Things)

Heart - Wild Flowers - Quenn Ann's Lace - P3

*LODE* Decor - Oleander Vase [white]

*LODE* Headwear - Bright Lights [blue]

*LODE* Accessory - Bumble Bee