#1028 Yes I'm one of them girls.....


Are you one of them girls?

Ask you to dance, you say, "No"
Just to see how far I'll go
Song comes on and eyes close

I've got my heart on lockdown

A wall to knock down..
Yes I’m one of them girls…

Showcasing the amazing new works available now from some awesome designers.

So what are you waiting for, come take a walk to our destinations for today:-


Destinations: - FaMESHed;  Shiny Shabby


//Ascend// Gwen Hoodie - Maitreya (Lara & Petite) - (New) @ FaMESHed

KUNGLERS - Greta necklace - (New) @ FaMESHed

LeLUTKA Fleur Head 2.5


DOUX - Peach Right Bang [UNRIGGED]

Ana Poses - Amata 2 - (New) @ Shiny Shabby

Ana Poses - Amata Cigar Pose 2 - (New) @ Shiny Shabby