In taking
this picture, I loved the country wide open feel and it reminded me of the
quote “The key to a kinder, gentler world
starts with you. Choose wisely, act compassionately, tread gently and watch the
seeds of your kindness grow.”says Edgar Mission’…
To give a little insight of myself from that quote - All my life, I’ve
had a reputation for being ‘kind’. Gee’s that girl is kind, gees she is ‘nice’.
I hated it at one stage. The truth is that yes I do try to be kind at all
times, and get frustrated when people are not. I think why pick on that person,
why pick on that kid, why be a ‘biatch’, if you know what I mean. Why try and
be better than that person. It hurts me sometimes to see people so mean. I am
not naïve, have travelled extensively throughout the world, and each place is
different for their ‘niceness ‘and in saying that there is hatred in many, many cases.
For e.g.: and don’t laugh, I was driving along a busy main road, and this lady in
front of cars, steps onto the road –no crossing in sight, pulls out on a green
light and proceeds to walk across the road. Totally unaware that in each
direction of traffic, people were swerving to prevent from hitting her. I was
about five cars back, I pulled over to the left, got out of my car and started
to block the cars, to help her get across the road. The lady was middle aged and
noted did have some mental health issues. People honked, blasted her and me, shouted abuse,
gawked, and stared, when all she needed was help in crossing the road. She
never thanked me, and off she went muttering to herself.
I wonder how many people thought I wonder if I should help, but instead
just yelled abuse.
When I was a kid, there were times I felt like my kindness was a
weakness. I got picked on by other kids, or even as an adult am told I am too ‘soft’.
I am in a management position for looking after people, and always strive to get
the best out of people. As they say never kick a dog as it will bite you back
one day. I have a great team, and we all work hard to achieve our required jobs
and like normal we have our up and down moments. My team are my equal and they
challenge me like I do them. I always ask them to speak the truth and don’t
hesitate even when you think the truth may hurt, but be delicate and tactful
but don’t grumble about the problem. Come to me with an idea of how to fix the
problem and we can work it out together.
I dare say I got picked on because I was different. Different in the
sense I never followed peer pressure and did what I wanted to do, not what
other’s told me to do. From a very young age, my parents used to say, so where
are you going young lady? I used to say ‘Don’t know yet!, will be back by the
time the lights come on, etc. I was an adventurer, was always strongly
independent and to this day still am. I
never fought back unless reasonably hurt, (call a punch in the face - hurt) but
only retaliated to stand my ground but would normally be wordsmith witty rather
than have a fist fight. (I have a very large verbal vocabulary when I get
going). If someone was bullied in the playground
I would be the one to come to their rescue and so on and so on. I fought back
only when needing too.
Yet I am human, and imperfect. I have a temper, but I am pretty skilled
at keeping myself from a temper outburst. I promised myself that when I write on this
blog, I’d do my best to be authentic. To tell the truth. To avoid putting on
some false idea of who I am as a person. So that’s why, when I write about
kindness today, I want to be honest.
Imagine living in a world where everyone was ‘nice’, and that no one was
trying to compete, and try and be better than each other. Isn’t it a matter of
being yourself, not trying to be someone else. It is about learning to grow
yourself, and to be the best you can be. So a question, When have you been kind to people of late? It’s never too
late to start.
the beautiful new creativity from Zerkalo with their ‘Wheel Set’ available now
at The Men’s Department, I bring you to our destination for today-
- Zerkalo
@ The Men’s Department
Chair in Blue: - Zerkalo
Wheel Chair in colour Blue- (New) @ TMDWheel Table: - Wheel Table - (New) @ TMD
Cupcakes: - Vintage Tea Party Cupcakes display @ Instore @ Zerkalo
Bradford Trees: - Little Branch Bradford Trees – (4 Seasons) Blended - @ Instore @ LB