#78 Pixelites, DIVA and UFO


When reading through a blog the other day, I noticed that we all seem to talk about what items of clothes we buy at the clothing stores.
Whether that be SL or RL.
What we don't seem to talk about is:What do you like wearing when looking for clothes?
I figure the best clothes to wear, is what is easy to step out of, what is easy to put on, and to always make sure our undergarments are just right.
Many people like myself can't even step a toe outside of the house without looking good,
but some like comfy clothing, and some just loathe shopping altogether.
Tell me what you do like to wear!

What I love wearig at the moment is the designer clothing of Pixelites Inc,
which is our destination for today.

Destination - P I X E L I T E S I N C . M A I N S T O R E

Dress -  ::PL::(Pixelites) Tres Chic Dress - Charcoal (NEW)
Skin - Glam Affair - Lilith - Jamaica
Hair - ""D!va"" Hair "Nayomi" (Onyx) (NEW)
Accessory 1 - ::{u.f.o}::rhea saffiano bag skyblue (NEW)
Accessory 2 - ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Sun Ring Exclusive
Pose - AUSHKA&CO - Adele