Augusta Creations, and Diesel Works

Flocting on a bed of clouds at Heaven's Wind Romantic Dance Park created by Paddy Carter, swaying to the sounds of jazz and romantic blues.
I come to you today wearing a gift called Bea from Augusta Creation.
Augusta has just released this new beautiful group gift called Bea as a New Years Eve Special.
This dress is free for all dedicated and loyal members.
For this pose I use the new release from Diesel Works - Kneeled Female Poses showing off my gorgeous necklace by Indy & Co - Heirloom Necklace.
Destination - Heaven's Wind Romantic Dance Park
Outfit - Bea from ** AUGUSTA CREATION **
Hair - Truth - Tammy, Light blondes
Skin - Au Vulo - Lalli - Shine Blonde hb
Shoes - N-core Coquette- Glitter edition Black
Necklace -Indy & Co - Heirloom Necklace
Eyes - Izzies - Natural Mesh Eyes - Blue (new)
Eyelashes - Izzies - V1.02
Poses - Diesel Works - Kneeled Female Poses