#547 A place to meet and greet

As some of you know, Neva Zenga (Neva Crystall) has created a unique and new special place called ‘Neva River Village’. This beautiful village with its sea fairing homes, romantic walkways and the fact that you can imagine hearing and smelling the salt air as it lingers hauntingly inviting you to come again for another visit. This has become a special place of mine and one that I invite you to visit.

This got me thinking, what is it that makes a place special? Is there anything we can do to make wherever we are the same? Before attempting to define what makes a place special it would be good to also recognize that some locations are considered special because of their “energy’. These special energy locations are often called vortexes. According to Wikipedia, a vortex is any circular or rotary flow” including air, liquid or energy.

When people refer to an energy vortex location, they are usually addressing places where that “flow” is more palatable to certain people.  Popular locations where energy vortexes are said to exist are Stonehenge in England, or Ayers Rock in Australia. Some claim that the energy in these locations enhances prayer, meditation and healing. Regardless of whether a person accepts the concept of energy vortex locations, the awareness of our planet as a living system makes the idea understandable.  Although Energy Vortex locations may influence how we perceive a place, they are not the only criteria we use to acknowledge that a place is special and unique to us when we are there.

Here are three ways to describe what makes a place special:

  • Our unique personal connection to land or a place. Probably the most common definition of a special place is one that is special to us alone.  If the place where you grew up was especially nurturing and secure, then chances are that every time you return there you will still feel that resonance. This type of relationship to place isn’t always apparent to others—but it is palatable to those who have positive memories and a physical link to a specific location. Remember, we are meaning seeking individuals and if we find meaning somewhere, it will become special to us
  • The people or connections in any given place. Just about any place in the world can be special if the people you love and care about are gathered there together. Like they say, “home is where the heart is. Likewise, if you have a special calling or occupation tied to a location that can make it even more special.
  • The uniqueness of a place. In addition to locations of natural beauty, there is something within most people that also responds to unusual or unique locations or monuments as well. Many times a group or community of people will be attracted to a special location for one reason or another, and in that place they will build something unique as a way to relate to it.
Ultimately, while it is wonderful to visit and enjoy unique and special places around the planet—it is even better to like to come home to where you live, so why not make a place for yourself at ‘Neva River Village’.

Showcasing for you today, I bring to you the awesome collection of works from the following artists: -

 Destinations: - Knick Knacks @ Shiny Shabby , Fancy Décor and Neva River Village

Knick Knacks: – Rappelle - Toi-De Paris – (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Knick Knacks: – Rappelle – Les Boltes Empitees– (New) @ Shiny Shabby
Fancy Decor: – File Cabinet – (New) @ Kustom 9 - Fancy Décor

Pic: - Taken at Neva River Village